Infrastructure as code (IaC) is pivotal for efficiently managing cloud environments at scale and enabling automated DevOps pipelines.
Amazon Web Services provides robust tooling tailored for codifying and deploying AWS infrastructure to accelerate deployments through repeatable, version controlled workflows.
This guide explores IaC capabilities on AWS including:
- Advantages of IaC Adoption
- Options for Provisioning AWS Environments
- Key Principles for Effective IaC
- Infrastructure Change Management
- Standardizing Infrastructure Deployments
- Scanning IaC Configurations for Security
- Integrating IaC into CI/CD Pipelines
- Debugging Errors and Drift Prevention
- Supplementing IaC with State Management
- Choosing AWS-Native vs Multi-Cloud Options
- FAQs About Infrastructure as Code
Let’s examine how cloud-based IaC can help manage deployments efficiently.
Advantages of IaC Adoption
Some key organizational benefits offered by infrastructure coded approaches:
- Faster provisioning through automation
- Consistent, repeatable environment builds
- Built-in compliance and security
- Cost savings from removing guesswork
- Enable DevOps collaboration around infrastructure
These factors contribute to deployment velocity and innovation agility.
Options for Provisioning AWS Environments
Popular IaC tools for orchestrating AWS resource deployments:
- AWS CloudFormation: Native YAML/JSON templates for provisioning stacks of AWS infrastructure.
- Terraform: Codify multi-cloud infrastructure and services through declarative definitions.
- AWS CDK: Model infrastructure in Java, Python, TypeScript or C# for expanded syntax flexibility.
Key Principles for Effective IaC
Adopting core principles is key to maximizing benefits:
- Version Control Templates – Place IaC config files under source control.
- Repeatable Deployments – Build iteratively and promote configs across environments.
- Validated Policies and Permissions – Error check configs pre-deployment and scan for issues.
- Automated Testing – Create unit tests for IaC components focused on security, performance and reliability.
- Modularity – Break down monolithic templates into reusable, composable modules imported across stacks.
Infrastructure Change Management
IaC improves visibility into changes over time across environments through:
● Full audit history for template file changes using Git tools like CodeCommit, GitHub etc.
● CloudTrail providing API activity trails for AWS resource provisioning events via IaC files.
● CloudWatch dashboards on key deployment metrics like failure rates.
This enables tracing issues to changes and helps debug faster.
Standardizing Infrastructure Deployments
Templatizing leads to standardized setups by:
● Enforcing organizational policies and hardening baselines
● Preventing configuration drift across environments
● Convergence on optimal patterns for reliability and security
● Scaling expertise across teams through reusability
Scanning IaC Configurations for Security
Shift security left in pipelines by scanning for misconfigurations using tools like:
● Checkov for static analysis of Terraform templates
● cfn_nag for CloudFormation configs
● Terrascan for compliance checks
This reduces attack surface and risk.
Integrating IaC into CI/CD Pipelines
To embed IaC flows:
● Store config files in repositories alongside application code
● Execute terraform/CloudFormation through automation tools like Jenkins, GitHub Actions etc.
● Hook IaC testing and policy enforcement steps into pipelines
This links infrastructure to application changes.
Debugging Errors and Drift Prevention
IaC helps prevent configuration drift but to debug errors:
● Review CloudTrail logs for API errors
● Check stack events in CloudFormation console
● Compare state diffs for Terraform
● Standardize logging for troubleshooting errors
Use revision history to rollback bad changes.
Supplementing IaC with State Management
Limitations of IaC on managing existing state can be mitigated through:
● AWS Config for tracking resource configurations
● CloudWatch and SNS alerts on state changes
● Stack updates to fix drift
● Third party tools like Scout Suite and Duplicity
The aim is to converge infrastructure back to desired baseline state.
Choosing AWS-Native vs Multi-Cloud Options
Factors to evaluate:
● CloudFormation simplicity vs Terraform flexibility
● Commitment to AWS stack vs preserving optionality
● Skill sets of team and need for codifying existing infrastructure
● Extensibility for enterprise scale operational reporting
FAQs About Infrastructure as Code
Answering common queries around IaC:
How is IaC different from container orchestration?
IaC focuses on provisioning and configuring cloud infrastructure resources while orchestrators like Kubernetes handle deploying and scaling containerized apps.
What skills are needed to adopt IaC?
Fundamentals around scripting, state management and infrastructure architecture patterns helps. Equally important is test driven development expertise and security mindset to build robust IaC workflows.
How to convince management about ROI on IaC investments?
Quantifying acceleration in deployment velocity, improvements in recovery time from failures, and cost optimizations from consistency unlocks value. IaC capabilities can be aligned to developer productivity and business continuity needs.
Infrastructure as code is pivotal for organizations to maximize cloud investments by enabling consistent deployments alongside automated DevOps.
AWS provides robust IaC capabilities like CloudFormation and integrations with tools like Terraform to help manage infrastructure at scale efficiently through engineering rigor and reliability best practices.